What is CV(Curriculum Vitae)?
What is CV (Curriculum Vitae)
The full form of CV is curriculum vitae.The CV is written in the British style.CV is a complete but brief biography of a job seeker. A CV can be called a resume or summary. We need a CV for use in our jobs and careers.The CV usually contains the candidate's name, address, permanent and temporary, educational qualifications, experience, skills and personal information. By looking at the CV, an employer will be able to know the experience and skills of that person and who that person is. The CV gives an overall description of a person.
A cover letter must be attached to any CV. Cover letter is the original application of any job candidate. In this part the applicant informs the hiring authority of his interest.
So sending a CV means doing two things at once.
•Write and send Cover Letter.
•Write and send CV.