Write a paragraph on Load Shedding by answering the following questions.

 Question:a)Meaning of load shedding? 

                 b)What are the causes of load                             shedding? 

                 c)How does it hamper us?

                 d)How can this problem be                                   solved? 






Load shedding means a reduction in power supply for a while. This has become a common case in our country. This happens when power generation is less than demand. In fact, the relevant authority to manage the power generation shortage will stop the flow of electricity in some areas for a while. It also occurs for planned power distribution. 

Load shedding is an almost daily occurrence in cities, towns, suburbs and villages. Although the power generation has increased significantly, there is no area that is not affected by this. Houses, mills, factories and industries still disrupt production. Operations for load shedding in hospitals will also stop.

 Domestic life becomes painful. Housewives caught in the dark in the kitchen. Student violence due to loading beggar description. They closed their books, sat idle in the dark and cursed the authority. Of course, this should not be allowed to continue in its current state. 

If the current situation does not improve, the whole country will collapse. To solve this problem we need enough electricity, planned distribution, setting up more power plants, disconnecting illegal connections, preventing abuse, opening shopping malls and shopping malls for some time. 

Corruption in this area must be curbed with an iron hand. The previous government should think about our case and take necessary action as soon as possible.

Moral of the paragraph: Load-shedding 

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