Causes and effects of water pollution dialogue | Easy Writing Part.

Write a dialogue between you (Roni) and your friend (Sami) about the causes and effects of water pollution dialogue. 


Causes and effects of water pollution dialogue
Causes and effects of water pollution dialogue

Causes and effects of water pollution dialogue.

Roni: Assalamu Alaikum, Sami. What about you?

Sami: Walaikum Assalaam. I'm good. And you?

Roni: I am also good. What are you doing by the way?

Sami: I am reading a newspaper article on water pollution. 

Roni: Yeah really, now-a-days water pollution has turned to a serious issue, hasn’t it?

Sami: Actually.

Roni: But do you know what causes this pollution? 

Sami: Yes. Mainly people are responsible for it. They pollute water throwing waste into it; besides, factories and water vehicles release toxic materials into waterbodies. 

 Roni: But, doesn’t it have tremendous effects? 

Sami: There is no doubt about it. It affects  the entire environment and contributes to environmental disaster.

Roni: It is also harmful to our health.

Sami: Yes. Diseases like diarrhoea and cholera break out for it. Drinking dirty water, we can also catch chronic disease and it may damage our immune system. 

Roni: So, we need to stop water pollution.

Sami: Yes, we've to do something with no delay.

Roni: Thank you so much for sharing this important thing with me.

Sami: Don't mention it. Bye.

Roni: Bye.

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  • Unknown
    Unknown 22 April 2022 at 23:46


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