Write an email to your friend describing the picnic that you have enjoyed recently.

Question: Suppose, your name is Zikrul and your friend name is Sumon. You and your some friends have recently been to a picnic at a place of historical importance. You roamed about the place, had good foods, plays games and had to a lot of fun. Now,Write an email to your friend describing the picnic that you have enjoyed recently.


To: Sumon@yahoo.com




From: Zikrul@gmail.com 

To: Sumon@yahoo.com

Sent: Saturday, June12, 2020, 11:10 a.m.

Subject: Description of a picnic I enjoyed. 

an email to your friend describing the picnic that you have enjoyed recently

My dear Sumon,

How are you? You will be glad to know that we have recently enjoyed a picnic at Maynamoti, a place of historical importance. I will give a brief description of it.

The picnic spot was really nice. We hired a bus to carry us there. We started at 7a.m. from our school gate. We took all the necessary food and utensils with us. Some of us took cameras and tape recorders to the picnic.

We cooked our own food and served each other. We spent the whole day there.We roamed about the place and spent a few hours in sight-seeing and singing.We also played cricket there about 30 minutes. The picnic was an enjoyable one. It would have been more enjoyable if you had accompanied us.

So far today. Greetings to your parents and love to the little ones.

Your loving friend, 



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  • Unknown
    Unknown 3 February 2022 at 21:46

    Awesome ☺

    • Easy Writing Part
      Easy Writing Part 9 February 2022 at 01:06

      Thanks for your feedback

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