Essay on my daily life in 300 words- Easy Writing Part

Write a essay on ' Your Daily Life '.

Essay on my daily life in 300 words

My Daily Life


I am a student of Class XII. I want to do well in the HSC Examination as well as in my life. So, I want to my life in a well-regulated way. I have made a daily routine for this purpose.

After getting up early in the morning, I brush my teeth and perform ablution to say my Fazr prayer. After that go out for a walk for half an hour. I take breakfast at home at about 7:00 a.m. and study till 9 a.m. After taking my bath and meal, I start for college at 10 o'clock in the morning.

Our college begins at half past ten. At college, I always sit in the first row and pay full attention to my teachers. During the recess, I take my tiffin and pass the interval in the college building by reading newspapers.

When the college ends at 4:30 p.m., I come back home. Then, I wash myself and take my meal. After that I out to play with my friends till the prayer of Magrib.

With the Magrib Azan, I say my prayer. Then I go to my reading room to prepare my lessons for the next Every night, I spend an hour watching the TV programmes. I like to enjoy them with my parents. Then I go back to my reading room to prepare the rest of my lessons. I say my Esha prayer at 11 p.m. and then go to bed. The daily routine helps me to complete my works punctually and successfully, I really enjoy following my routine.

The daily routine helps one to live a regulated, happy and sound life. One can acquire the habit of discipline following a daily routine. It is the key to success and happiness in one's future life. That is why, one must have a daily routine and follow it strictly.

Tags: Essay on my daily life in 300 words, essay on my daily life in 300 words hsc

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