Interesting physics facts that nobody knows- Easy Writing Part

Hello friends, welcome to our website Easy Writing Part. We are all more or less familiar with the term physics. Today we will discuss some interesting physics facts that nobody knows. These happen to all of us every day. But why and how? We do not know that. So let's get started.

Number: 1

We all get dressed with a broom and then wear it, but why? Let's find out-

* Do you know why we wash clothes when we wear them?

> When dusty clothes are shaken, the clothes are removed, but the dust particles fall down due to inertia. We sweep the clothes to remove dust.

Number: 2

* Why can we walk?

We all learn to walk from childhood. Ever wondered why we can walk? Let's see what physics says.

> When we are walking, the front legs apply force vertically to the ground. The ground also applies an even and inverted force to the soles of the feet so that the front foot is stable. But the hind legs apply the force diagonally to the ground, so the ground also applies the force diagonally to the feet. A part of which helps to move forward. We can walk because the soil forces us. And this process is done to say there is friction. Without friction we would slip and not walk. And that's how we can walk.

Number: 3

* Why do dogs sleep on the ground with their ears?

We may all see dogs sleeping with their ears on the ground. But why? Let's see.

> In fact, dogs are dominant animals. Dogs can hear sounds at a maximum frequency of 35,000Hz. Since the speed of sound is higher in the ground than in the air, the sound reaches the ground first. The dog sleeps with its ears on the ground to easily hear distant sounds.

So, how did all the fun facts of physics go? Today these were all interesting physics facts that nobody knows. If you like this type of article, please comment. We will come to you with all the more interesting facts. Until then, you will be fine.

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