Write a dialogue between doctor and patient about illness.

Suppose, you're Nusrat and you've been suffering from fever for a couple of days. Now you're at the chamber of a doctor. Now,write a dialogue between you and the doctor. 


Patient :May I come in,Sir? 

Doctor :Yes,come in.Sit down and tell me what's your name?

Patient :My name is Nusrat. 

Doctor :How old are you?

Patient :I am fifteen years old, Sir. 

Doctor :OK,  what's your problem. 

Patient :I have been suffering from fever for a couple of days. 

Doctor :Do you have any cough? 

Patient :Yes, Sir. 

Doctor :Do you feel pain all over your body? 

Patient :No, but I have headache. 

Doctor :Did you take any medicines? 

Patient :Sir, I took some paracetamols from the local dispensary. 

Doctor :Ok, let me check you. 

Patient :Do you find any problem,sir? 

Doctor :No, don't worry. I'm prescribing some medicine for you and hope you will be recovered soon.

Patient :Sir, I feel pain in my tonsil. 

Doctor :Don't worry. Gargle with hot saline water frequently. 

Patient :OK, sir, I will do.

Doctor :Here is your prescription. Take the medicine for seven days and you'll be okay soon by the grace of Allah.

Patient :Thank you very much, Sir. 

Doctor : You're most welcome. 

Let us know in the comments below what kind of dialogue you want.


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